What is my birthstone?

A birthstone is a gemstone that is associated with a specific month or astrological sign and is often thought to bring good luck, protection, and other positive qualities to the person born during that month. The concept of birthstones can be traced back to ancient times, and different cultures and traditions have assigned specific gemstones to each month.

The first century Jewish historian Josephus believed there was a connection between the twelve stones in Aaron’s breastplate, the twelve months of the year, and the twelve signs of the zodiac. Translations and interpretations of the passage in Exodus regarding the breastplate have varied widely. With Josephus himself giving two different lists for the twelve stones

Modern lists of birthstones have little to do with either the breastplate or the Foundation Stones of Christianity. Tastes, customs and confusing translations have distanced them from their historical origins

Birthstone throughout history

In 1912, in an effort to standardize birthstones, the (American) National Association of Jewelers met in Kansas and officially adopted a list.

The Jewelry Industry Council of America updated the list in 1952 by adding Alexandrite for June, citrine for November and pink tourmaline for October. They also replaced December’s lapis with zircon and switched the primary gems for March.

The American Gem Trade Association added tanzanite as a December birthstone in 2002. In 2016, the American Gem Trade Association and Jewelers of America added spinel as an additional birthstone for August.
Britain’s National Association of Goldsmiths created their own standardized list of birthstones in 1937.

The birthstone in eastern countries

Eastern cultures recognize a similar range of gemstones associated with birth. Though rather than associating a gem with a birth month, gemstones are associated with celestial bodies. And astrology is employed to determine the gemstones most closely associated with and beneficial to a particular individual. For example, in Hinduism there are nine gemstones associated with the Navagraha (celestial forces including the planets, the sun, and the moon), Known in Sanskrit as Navaratna (nine gems). At birth, an astrological chart is calculated. And certain stones are recommended to be worn on the body to ward off potential problems based on the place of these forces in the sky at the exact place and time of birth

The modern list of birthstones, as recognized by the American Gem Society (AGS) and other organizations, has evolved over time. Each month typically has one or more gemstones associated with it. For example:

January – Garnet
February – Amethyst
March – Aquamarine or Bloodstone
April – Diamond
May – Emerald
June – Pearl, Moonstone, or Alexandrite
July – Ruby
August – Peridot or Sardonyx
September – Sapphire
October – Opal or Tourmaline
November – Topaz or Citrine
December – Turquoise, Zircon, or Tanzanite

People often wear jewelry containing their birthstone as a personal and meaningful accessory. Birthstones can also be used in various forms of metaphysical and traditional practices for their perceived spiritual and healing properties.

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